Stop Driven Hunt in Limpopo, South Africa

  • par: Anne Haarhoff
  • destinataire: Mr. Makhubele on or call the office on 015 2907070.

Posted on Facebook  by the NSPCA
On Monday the 7th September hundreds of wild animals will be killed in a mass slaughter as part of a driven hunt in Limpopo, South Africa, on 3 game farms just outside of Alldays.
A variety of wild animals including antelope, baboon and warthog will be chased down a specially cleared 2km stretch of land into a wall of gunfire.
Foreign hunters, in South Africa for a week of entertainment will be standing on purpose built platforms along the slaughter strip ready to take pot shots at these terrified animals. The animals have no chance of evading the onslaught and the hunters have no way of ensuring a clean shot or a humane death.
The animal ‘ targets’ are moving and there is no way to control the species or age of the animals that will be killed. The animals will likely not be used for meat or trophies as their bodies will be riddled with lead.
The hunt will last for 1 week and hundreds of animals will be injured and or killed daily. Hundreds of animals will suffer, just to entertain a few individuals.
Driven Hunting is not illegal, but it most certainly is unethical and inhumane as a clean shot and certain death cannot be guaranteed.
Not killing the animal outright or with a second shot immediately, is certainly a contravention of the Animals Protection Act.
Please help up to stop this by appealing to the Limpopo Department of Environmental Affairs to stop this hunt immediately. Please email your concerns politely to or call their office on 015 2907070.

Please raise your voices and say NO to this horrendous, cruel mass slaughter.

Dear Mr. Makhubele,

Further to the proposed Driven Hunt due to commence on three game farms  outside Alldays on 7 September 2015 I am including just some of the signatures on a petition of people from within South Africa and around the world to stop this action.

I think of Gandhi who said: "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

What is to be gained from killing animals in a callous, cruel one-way 'contest' under unnatural and contrived circumstances? Is the hollow satisfaction of the killers worth all the pain and suffering caused?

                               LAST WORD

                                     In Africa, one word for now,
                                     Another word for tomorrow,
                                     But forty words for the past.

                                    The elephants do not forget.
                                    They stand close in a circle,
                                    Turn the heaped pile of bones

                                    This way and that, stroke
                                     Leg-bone, thigh and skull,
                                     Rub dust into their faces.

                                     Sighing, they understand
                                     The weight of grief,
                                     How memory is carried.

                            (Poem: Ann Williams in Resurgence Magazine)

Is it not time for South Africa, the world, to take stock and reconsider its attitude towards the voiceless?

I implore you to give this kind of activity mindful attention and try to stop or at least curtail it.

Warm regards
Anne Haarhoff

Mettre À Jour #4il y a 9 ans
Signatures still being emailed & the NSPCA monitoring the situation according to reports. Check out the following:
Dutch hunters take part in controversial hunt in South Africa hour ago
Activists have also tried to have the hunt stopped by going to court.
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 9 ans
Peta Thornycroft Peta and Stuart Graham report: "Animal welfare groups in South Africa on Monday failed to prevent a 'European-style' driven hunt, in which foreign hunters pay to shoot wildlife that is herded past them for easy dispatch.
More than 20 Belgian and Dutch hunters took part in the hunt on a farm near the town of Alldays, in the province of Limpopo."
Keep signing, keep making a noise, a fuss, a stink. Ban driven hunting around the world.

Mettre À Jour #2il y a 9 ans
According to newspaper reports the NSPCA (South Africa) is on its way to the area to try to stop this 'hunt' and is urging supporters to lobby Environmental Affairs (Limpopo). The NSPCA has been backed by a number of welfare campaigners. I've written to the HSI requesting their support and am still sending your signatures through by hand, as Care2 has not responded.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
Dear All ----- A warm thank you and much appreciation for your support in this matter.
While I wait for the pdf with all the signatures from Care2, and wanting to send a letter to Mr Mahkubele soonest, I've included the first wave of signatures in a covering letter to him. It will be raining signatures in his inbox!
Warm greetings, Anne
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