Stop the proposed building of a bullfighting arena and a cockfighting ring in the city of Pueblo Mexico

Against all the trends for more empathy towards animals the governor of Pueblo is proposing to build a bullfighting arena and cockfighting ring. Bullfighting is traditional torture of a bull that has no idea what is happening, also the appalling injuries inflicted on the horses, i have not one ounce of sympathy for any person that engages in this cruelty. For hours before to the bullfight, the bull is held in a tiny, dark isolation cell. He is not given food or water. Confused and anxious, the bull misses the company of his herd. Just before entering the bullring, he is harpooned, causing him to bleed, then released into the bright light of the arena. This is what its all about Bloody Cruelty. Make no mistake about this the bull ends up blood pouring from nostrils and mouth blood, bleeding from the wounds inflicted by spears whatever they are called. Solution . ban bullfighting and all animal abuse.

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