Help Prevent Dorset Badger Cull

  • par: Judith B.
  • destinataire: Department for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, UK

Despite the badger culls in Gloucestershire and Somerset being complete failures, it looks like there may be another one, this time in Dorset.

The previous culls failed to meet their targets, meaning that they won’t have even reduced the spread of bovine tuberculosis, which was their intended purpose. In other words, hundreds of badgers have been killed for nothing. The culls also cost the tax payer millions of pounds

Badger culls are not an efficient way to control the disease anyway. In the best case scenario, they slightly reduce levels of bovine TB. In the worst case, which is what happened, they actually make it worse. Stressed, frightened badgers flee, taking any diseases with them.

There are alternatives to sacrificing Britain’s wildlife, and they are much cheaper.

Tell DEFRA that we already know that badger culls are useless and the last thing the country needs is another one.

We the undersigned ask that you do not grant any more licences for badger culls, in Dorset or anywhere else.

Badger culls are an inefficient way to control bovine tuberculosis, and in fact can make it worse. They are also extremely expensive and highly controversial. The failure of the culls in Gloucestershire and Somerset should be enough of a lesson.

Please refrain from allowing the sacrifice of any more of our native wildlife.

Thank you for your attention.


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