Drunk drivers / barrier

On sept 4th this year a drunk driver almost killed my toddler hitting our home and I am not taking this lightly. Our lives changed that night. Being a cops daughter I am pissed with our county I was born and raised here and no one will hear me out. I have contacted cops Commissioners, sheriffs politicians, and the road community. Where our my tax dollars going all I want is a dam barrier to feel safe in our home. My son lost his room and everything and we have to deal with the possibility of another car crashing into our house. I WONT STOP tell I am heard. If it means going to the court house in this county I will. Please help me to be heard

Mettre À Jour #2il y a 2 ans
Thank you for all that have signed please share and let’s get this out there. It’s called deaths corner for a reason. Let’s stand together as a community and fight this. I need all the signatures I can get. Happy holidays everyone.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 2 ans
Let’s go JEFFERSON County HELP me be heard
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