We demand the ACO step down now.

  • par: Sharon N
  • destinataire: Mayor Barry Barrnett
Hello everyone my name is Sharon Nields. For those of you who don't know me let me explain why I am posting this message. I was a volunteer at the Benton County Animal Shelter. In the time I volunteered there I saw things and heard things that I find unacceptable. Puppies being left in cages for over 24 hours with feces and dead worms all over the cages in their food and water. I have video of this incident for those who would like to view it. I witnessed first hand the Animal cruelty officer (ACO) playing on her on facebook page during work hours and on her personal cell phone alot. Her hours are to be 8am to 4pm monday-friday she normally shows up right before the shelter opens at 10am. She then shuts the shelter down several times a day to run so called errands. This I was told by the mayor was not to happen. She has 2 hours before work and after while she is still on the clock to run so called errands. She is to spend time each day with the dogs and I never once saw her come back and check on a single one. I witnessed mouse turds all over the shelves and in the box's of dog treats. I have watched her deny more adoptions of animals then I can count because people don't meet her set demands. To adopt an animal in Benton county all you need is the fee for said animal. (This was said straight from the mayors mouth to me) her demands are the fee and if the dog is heart worm positive you must treat the animal before she will allow you to take it home. I have watched her be extremely rude to those who bring in strays no matter it be a cat or a litter of kittens, or a dog. When puppies are brought to the shelter she refuses to allow anyone to adopt them and sends them to rescues as fast as she can. So instead of a loving home they are sent to another strange place and cold and lonely cage. I held a protest a few weeks back at the court house that was made known to the public before hand so those of you that have seen things you dont like at the shelter or even been treated badly by the the ACO could come out and support the cause. I sat down with the mayor and a reporter from the Camden chronicle I talked with him about these issues and I was told changes were going to be made. Well guess what nothing has changed. She still refuses to answer the calls from the sheriff or from members of the community when they need her to come get animals. She does not reply to anyone on the Benton county animal shelter page when they ask to adopt animals she posts. I will say ACO did do some good since taking over 2 years ago she has lowered the kill rate at the shelter and you can see she has a love for animals but her work ethic and the way she runs the shelter in my opinion is not satisfactory. It's time people stand up and make their voices heard. These poor babies need homes and better care while at the shelter. Please help me stand up and be these loving animals voice. Also please be respectful no name calling or cursing and if you don't like what I have said that's fine. I'm not attacking her personally and no one should. Thank you for your time.

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