Highlight and then open links.They will not let me display this in any other way..
Dear Mr. Surakiart Sathirathai,
I beg you to take mercy to one of your greates treasures, the elephants. Very few are left in Africa where they are killed by pocahers for their ivory. Now, for your country to illegally get them from your neighbor-Burma-and then abuse them for the sake of tourism, is unaccebtable. Isn't the elephant your nation's symbol and icon of strength and wisdom? Especially the white elephant. Remember how revered they once were? On the Siam flag even? Yet, now it is okay to abuse these great animals for show. I must tell you Mr. Sathirathai that the western world knows about the horffic treatment of these great giants that you allow to happen in your country.
You want tourism; stop the abuse of baby elepahants, all elephants, right now.
Very Sincerely,
Johanna Sandev
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 10 ans
Hello you decent beings on this planet,
In the name of Raju, the old elephant in India that was kept in captivity and under unspeakably inhumane conditions, chained up with no contact with other elephants for 50 years eating paper and plastic, was finally released from captivity. The UK organization that saved him, was due to people who cared enough to make a difference.
Please let us get to 1000 for this petion!
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
Please continue to share! Calves are dying from injury, stress or heartbreak. For what; some pictures that people can brag about? I went to Thailand and met an elephant etc...They are dying and living horrific lives because of unaware people. Please help, again, to stop this.
I adulate you all for being the most enlightened human beings on the entire planet!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Thank you for signing my petition against cruelty towards one of our most precious and endangered species-the elephants. In Thailand, they were once revered and appreciated, now because of the huge monetary gain from tourists especially, they are abused beyond belief..
I am not giving up on this fight.
Please continue to share this plight. We have 338 signatures but need 1000.