Facebook please remove a Turkish FB group that praises donkey abuse!!!

https://www.facebook.com/groups/386509584921/?__mref=message_bubble Is a Facebook group where some photos of 3 and more women in bikinis riding on ONE donkey have been posted, they find this funny, but the donkey´s been stressed obviously, and donkeys shouldn´t have to carry more than 100-120 pounds on their backs, anyway, anything else is abuse and harms a donkey´s back!!! So Facebook should remove this group for good.

I also reported the group to Interpol and made the following post on My petitions I signed, my public + intern. animal care page, and on Animal Rights Petitions where I´m admin: 

Reported an animal abuse praising page against which I signed a petition on Yousign.org lately to Interpol, here´s my message: 
Subject: Another animal abuse praising page/group on Facebook!
Text: Dear Ladies and Sirs,
there´s another animal abusing page/group on Facebook, this time from Turkey: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386509584921/?__mref=message_bubble
They posted some photos of 3 or more women in bikinis riding on ONE donkey, the animal´s obviously been stressed, and besides that a donkey should not carry more than 100-120 pounds, anything else is animal abuse and hurts the donkey´s back seriously!!! I already reported the page to Facebook, too, and more animal lovers did the same, but the Support always says such animal abuse praising pages are NOT against the rules?! So I ask you now to investigate against those who created the page and to urge Facebook to remove this page/group. 
Thank you in advance, sincerely, 
Marion Friedl, South Germany


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