If House Republicans shut down the government, stop paying their salaries!

With a government shutdown looming, Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is demanding a funding bill that includes a series of steps to make it harder to vote. Republicans know they can't win a fair election, so they are trying to put up impediments that suppress the vote of those more likely to be Democrats.

It's un-American, it's un-democratic, and they're willing to shut down the government if they don't get their way. And not surprisingly, Donald Trump is demanding House Republicans do it, regardless of how much damage it does to the country.

Trump's cronies in Congress are willing to wreak havoc just to score political points and do Trump's bidding. Well, if they can't do their job – representing and working for the American people – they shouldn't be paid. Not one penny, for as long as it takes.

They want to inflict pain on the people? Then let them be the first ones to feel it.

Sign your name: If House Republicans shut down the government, stop paying their salaries!

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