Nosey's Law #S1093, Urge Senate President Stephen M. Sweeney to put on Senate Agenda NOW!

  • par: Robin Vitulle
  • destinataire: Senate President Stephen W. Sweeney

URGENT! Please sign this petition to urge Senate President Stephen M. Sweeney to put Nosey's Law, #S1093, on the Senate agenda in order for this bill to be voted on by the New Jersey State Senate and forwarded on to Governor Phil Murphy to be signed into LAW by June 28th, 2018.
There are only two more dates in June, 2018 for this to happen before the summer break begins. If it is not put on the agenda by the end of June, it will have to wait until the Fall Legislative session begins. This is TOO LATE to protect wild and exotic animals from the horrific cruelty they endure at the hands of circuses all summer long and into the fall.

(Having already been unanimously approved by both the NJ Assembly and Senate Committees, there is no reason for Nosey's Law to be excluded from this voting session. If Senator Sweeney places Nosey's Law on next week's voting agenda, the law will take effect immediately upon New Jersey Governor Murphy's signing.)

This Senate Bill #S1093, dubbed "Nosey's Law", prohibits use of wild or exotic animals in traveling animal acts in the State of New Jersey. Nosey was a lone circus elephant owned by a notorious abuser in Florida who forced Nosey to give painful elephant rides and perform in a small circus for over 30 years before being confiscated by a caring animal control officer who recognized the deprivation and abuse. Nosey now enjoys freedom in an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee.
Below: Nosey After Rescue: Video of Nosey enjoying her freedom

Elephants, Tigers, Lions, Camels, Bears and ALL the circus animals need this law NOW.

Right now, many circuses are circulating through New Jersey performing nearly every day. Circuses like Garden Brothers Circus are using elephants Viola and Isa, two very obviously abused and suffering elephants. These two videos are of Viola and Isa in two different locations in New Jersey while traveling this spring, 2018.

This video below shows what goes on with a trainer, behind the scenes, while training other circus elephant handlers to beat the elephants until they scream. Warning! This is difficult to watch. This is the harsh reality of regular beatings for elephants while being trained or "broken" and to keep them in line throughout their entire lives in captivity.
"Don't touch 'em! Hurt 'em!:

Circus performance schedules are grueling for the animals. They are performing every day; sometimes two, three, and four circus shows a day. When not performing, they are traveling in hot, cramped and filthy trailers. They are confined every moment of their lives, unable to move about naturally, while being abused and beaten by their trainers before, during and after shows. This must be stopped in the state of New Jersey and in every state across the nation.

By signing this petition, you are urging Senate President Stephen M. Sweeney to PLEASE put Nosey's Law #S1093 on the Senate agenda NOW. He has all the power to make Nosey's Law a reality to protect wild and exotic animals from further abuse in the state of New Jersey.
Senator Stephen M. Sweeney contact:
(856) 251-9801 (West Deptford, NJ)
(856) 339-0808 (Salem, NJ)

For the history of Nosey the elephant, please go to:

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