Animal cruelty is a constant and ongoing problem that will not stop until laws, charges and penalties are more stringent. Until people are more seriously held accountable, poor defenseless animals will continue to fall victim to abuse and cruelty. Such is the case in Maryland where most animal cruelty charges are considered a minor misdemeanor. You can read more at &
The laws are varying when it comes to the health and well-being of animals in the state. Their statutes state that “four categories of activity exist beyond the reach of the state’s anti-cruelty provisions. First, the provisions do not apply to customary veterinary and agricultural husbandry practices. Second, the statute does not apply to research conducted in compliance with applicable federal laws. Third, the statute recognizes an exemption for “an activity that may cause unavoidable physical pain to an animal,” such as hunting or pest elimination, provided that the activity is performed in “the most humane method reasonably available.” Fourth, the statute recognizes an exemption for “normal human activities in which the infliction of pain to an animal is purely incidental and unavoidable.”
Often times, after the investigation of an alleged crime of animal cruelty, a case may start out as a felony arrest that may lead to a lesser charge. Compassionate and caring people know that mistreatment of animals is cruel and unjust. Anyone who abuses an animal needs to be held accountable for any actions against these living creatures. The respect and care of animals should begin with our youth, teaching them that animals are not objects without feelings. Animal cruelty comes in all forms from minor issues involving neglect to serious injuries, dog fighting and death. Whatever the extent, any offense against a living, breathing defenseless animals warrants no less than a felony offense.
The effort in this petition is to urge Maryland State Legislators to implement stricter animal cruelty penalties that would ensure any and all offenses against an animal is classified as a felony. Along with the felony offense and appropriate consequences, the offender should and would be listed as a registered animal abuser that would prevent future mistreatment, ownership and encounters with any animals for a lifetime, guaranteed. Strict measurements need to be taken and fully enforced in order to put an end to such animal cruelty. You can help with this endeavor by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own ideas, thoughts and comments to stop animal cruelty.
Maryland State Legislators - Compassionate and caring people know that mistreatment of animals is cruel and unjust. Anyone who abuses an animal needs to be held accountable for any actions against these living creatures. The respect and care of animals should begin with our youth, teaching them that animals are not objects without feelings. Animal cruelty comes in all forms from minor issues involving neglect to serious injuries, dog fighting and death. Whatever the extent, any offense against a living, breathing defenseless animals warrants no less than a felony offense.
Maryland State Legislators - I strongly urge you to implement stricter animal cruelty penalties that would ensure any and all offenses against an animal is classified as a felony. Along with the felony offense and appropriate consequences, the offender should and would be listed as a registered animal abuser that would prevent future mistreatment, ownership and encounters with any animals for a lifetime, guaranteed. Strict measurements need to be taken and fully enforced in order to put an end to such animal cruelty.
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