Humble Appeal and Sincere Petition to The EU Commission against Bullfighting
European Commission
DG Agriculture and Rural Development
130, Rue de la Loi
B – 1049 Brussels
Dear European Commissioner for Agricultural and Rural Development,
Your Excellency,
Before anything else can be petitioned, a profound note of thanks to your esteemed organization for all the remarkable efforts and initiatives being undertaken to ingeniously sustain the goodwill, progress and harmonious developments that are being achieved through the auspices of your organization.
We would like to urge and request your kind attention to the alarming factor of bullfighting that is unleashing enormous cruelty upon bulls since so many years and if we actually reflect upon the essence of what is being enacted, we completely loose our bearings, sense of purpose, direction and meaningfulness altogether since as human beings inflicting pain upon other living beings and enjoying the agony is not the true nature of humanity at all.
Bullfighting is extremely cruel and is piercing the skin of the bulls treacherously as well as inflicting enormous pain upon them and it is not being pierced once or twice by the matador; the piercing goes through and through and when any human being has a simple needle piercing them during being injected; they yell with the excruciating pain; now how about the bulls please? The piercing that they are being inflicted with is challengingly vicious and totally senseless please.
There are better and greater ways of entertainment; when will some people realize that we are no longer living in the medieval ages please.Kindly help ban bullfighting for every drop of blood that is spilled, we are attacking a part of nature and our very own evolution; since how can anyone ever be proud of glorifying a heritage of cruelty please? Remember that compassion is the divine embodiment, vision, value and goodwill of humanity please.
When the blood that is being spilled is of the bulls, there is no spelling? Indeed, there is no spelling that can describe the immense pain the bulls are experiencing since they cannot speak, but when we witness the pictures from thousands of miles away, we can feel their pain and sense their suffering, but why those who are so close and staging contests and going on promoting the bull fights ever feel the pain and suffering please? Have they become immune to the shocking pain and suffering of the bulls and accepted that as a way and entertainment of life please?
But why please? The true attainment of a human being is the evolutionary growth in grace and wisdom whereby we are able to further promote the primordial aims and objectives that we have been entrusted with, which is to sustain the visions that belong to the development, goodwill, harmony, progress and welfare of our World please and not to contribute to any form of cruelty or suffering please.
Once again, this petition is being addressed to your eminent selves mainly because your organization has the authority and influence to be able to create a profound impact that could deliver the message most decisively to those conducting and staging the bull fighting to awaken to their true potential of salvaging humanity from indulgence in any more form/sort or types of cruelties please.
When will some decisive laws be enacted that legitimately protect and safeguard the well being of the bulls please? God bless.
With fervent hopes and sincere aspiration for a meaningful resolution to be identified soon, thank you for your attention.
Vashi Chandi (on behalf of concerned supporters)
Attribution/Photo Credit: David Fandila «El Fandi»
Source: Wikipedia