The Sea Lions of the Columbia River are under fire yet again. A bill is in congress right now to allow many of these majestic creatures to be slaughtered for the "crime" of eating Salmon. The Sea Lions are being used as a scapegoat to divert attention from the real threats to salmon, dams, pollution, and overfishing- issues that are politically difficult to address. Help stop this cruel and useless legislation that would allow the murder of hundreds of Sea Lions every year!
Sea Lions have frequented the Columbia River for hundreds if not thousands of years. They were observed swimming far up river by Lewis and Clark. The return of Sea Lions to the river is a sign of the successful recovery the river is undergoing, and should be celebrated rather than reviled.
I have lived near the Columbia River all my life, and respect Sea Lions for their beauty and the important role they play in the ecosystem. Please sign my petition and stop those who would do them harm!