Remove Neglected Dogs from Home

  • par: Brittani
  • destinataire: North Aurora Police/Kane County Animal Control, Illinois

My next door neighbors currently have two neglected pit bulls in their backyard and nobody seems to care. I moved into my house about 2 years ago and immediately noticed the condition of the dog in my neighbor's backyard. At the time, he only had one female dog in the yard. She would scream throughout the night and was chained with a very large chain. He had about 3 other dogs, all at separate times, one would appear and a few months later it would be gone. I never witnessed the comings or goings of any of these dogs, I have only witnessed the conditions in which they live in. This past Spring, a new dog was added to the mix. The dog appears to be a 1 year old, male pit bull. At one point we were told all we could do was make noise complaints until the neighbors got tired of paying the fines and moved the dogs inside. After about 5 noise complaints the male dog was removed from the backyard for about 1 month. Both dogs are now back outside.

Last year, we had someone offer the neighbor $1,000 USD for the female dog and he declined the offer stating that he breeds them for game. We are not sure if he means working dogs or fighting dogs, but we fear that it is fighting as his dogs clearly aren't receiving training as they are chained up 24/7.

The female dog (we've named her Batmaam) is an all black dog that is chained in the back corner of the yard, in the summer she only has shade until about 1pm and after that she bakes in the sun. She is provided and igloo type shelter that has not bottom so she is always laying or sleeping in the mud. Her water bucket is rarely changed and is filled with environmental debris. Her food bowl is typically empty or filled with dirty rain water. She is provided a small child's pool, however, I don't believe the water is ever changed as it is brown. She screams in the yard typically when she knows her owners are home.

The male dog (we've named him Harley) is an unaltered, all black dog that is chained in the front of the backyard. He is provided with very little shade as he has his igloo type shelter but there is no shade in his area of the yard until around 4-5pm. His conditions are harder to view as he is located on the far side of the yard. His food and water bowls are typically overturned, thus being empty. Harley appears to be in worse condition than Batmaam as he suffers from an arched back and almost constant limp while he walks. He screams all night long and during the day if his owners are home.

We are looking for help to have the dogs removed from the care of their owners. Every time the cops are over and tell them to remedy the situation, someone will walk to the backyard and wait for the cops to leave and do nothing to remedy the situation. It is our feeling that the only way these dogs have a chance for a normal, happy, and healthy life is for them to be permanently removed from their home.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 6 ans
Unfortunately, Harley has disappeared. We do not know when he was removed or for what reason; though I am glad he is out of the sun I still am fearful of his current conditions. Batmaam went missing for 1 day but has since reappeared, but is now, unfortunately, in the location that Harley previously was so she is now the one roasting in the sun 24/7. We have been in contact with a woman that is going to investigate the situation and we are hopeful that we will be able to get things done now.
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