ERNESTO BAILEY, who was bailed out for $15,000, is the sub-human who came upon a stray cat laying on the sidewalk in front of his apartment. He proceeded to kick and beat the cat, douse it in lighter fluid and set it on fire while it was still very much alive. Neighbors reported that they smelled something burning and came out to see SOMETHING engulfed in flames, rolling around on the sidewalk.
We have to make sure this sick man gets a harsh enough punishment that perhaps he will be deterred from doing something like this ever again!!
Please sign this petition to demand that the courts find this man guilty of all charges against him, including Aggravated Animal Cruelty (felony), Arson in 5th Degree (misdemeanor) and Torturing and Injuring Animals (misdemeanor.)
Dear Prosecuting DA Agata DiGiovanni, I will be brief. As the author of the petiton re: ERNESTO BAILEY -- KITTY "DOE", I am speaking on behalf of 20,730 (TWENTY THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY) people from AROUND THE WORLD who have signed and voiced their exteme comments and pleas to prosecute and punish this EVIL MONSTER to the fullest extend of the law. Seeing as how his only remorse for his actions is that he "did it in public and was caught on survailence camera" is a STRONG indication that he has done this sort of thing before, WILL do it again (in private) and his sickness will most likely/already has extended to CHILDREN and other helpless beings. People are afraid to have someone like him in their neighborhoods, towns, cities and states!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let all of us know that justice has been served. Thank you - Sue Michelson
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