Animals were NOT put on to our planet to be sexually abused or raped by Man or Woman.Or indeed abused or hurt in any way.We tend to take for granted how much Animals suffer in our name.If you are saying to yourself "Not in my Name" right now.Please sign and share.If you are unable to sign at least share.Help us make a difference to OUR Animals lives.Together we can STOP this.

The "using" of Cows,Sheep and other Farmyard Animals has been allowed to go on for far too long.Along with Dogs and even Fish in some cases.It is DEVIANT,CRUEL,IMMORAL and causes UNNECESSARY SUFFERING and UNTOLD DAMAGE BOTH MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY TO THE ANIMAL CONCERNED..Please HELP us get it BANNED PERMANENTLY..WORLDWIDE.Thank you.

Mettre À Jour #5il y a 9 ans
Sorry I haven't updated for a while.It would be really wonderful if we could get to 25,000 signatures.We need to make an impact everywhere,to get this stopped World Wide.As ever thank you everyone for supporting this petition.You are all very special,caring people x
Mettre À Jour #4il y a 10 ans
Have just heard that Denmark is today BANNING sex with animals.You are all brilliant.Every one of you is helping to get things improved for our animals.Big love and Thank you for caring x
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 10 ans
Thank you all so much for continuing to support this campaign.We were intending to stop at 10,000 signatures.However the sense of outrage has prompted a larger response than expected.So we are going to carry on and hit hard with as many signatures as we can get.So please continue to SHARE and SUPPORT world wide - BESTIALITY NEEDS TO BE STOPPED NOW!!
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
Just wanted to thank each and every one of you who has taken the time to sign and comment.All I can do right now is send you a green star back.
Those of us that have a pet know how it feels to receive unconditional love,and indeed give it back.Sadly there are so many animals across the world who are suffering in agony, and need our help. I can feel your outrage by reading the comments.
We will get this Bestiality banned.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Thank you all so much for supporting this.Animals were not put on this earth solely for "our" pleasure.Your messages and comments are driving me forward.Currently I'm demanding answers from each country's Governments as to what they are doing to halt this crime.Bestiality needs to be seen as a crime.It needs to be stopped now.Will keep you updated.Almost at 2,000 now.You Amazing people.
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