Tell the EPA to ban PBDEs and prevent environmental contamination

PBDEs are fire retardant chemicals found in many common household items like furniture and upholstery. They are persistent in the environment and bioaccumulate, meaning there is higher concentrations the further up the further up the food chain.

PBDEs are toxic and are known to cause hyperthyroidism in cats and affect brain development of babies. These toxic chemicals are found nearly everywhere, even in the deepest reaches of the ocean.

It is astonishing that, knowing the risks of the chemical, the EPA has not banned it. Something so prevalent that has known toxicity should not continue to be used under any circumstance.

It is time the EPA get back to serving US citizens and protecting their health and the health of the environment.

Sign today to protect our health and environment. By signing today you are sending a strong message that chemical contamination must be dealt with to ensure a healthy and safe future for all.

To Scott Pruitt, 
As a person who is deeply concerned about the environmental health, I am deeply concerned about eh use of PBDEs. 
PBDEs are toxic chemicals that bioaccumulate and are linked to brain development issues in babies and hyperthyroidism in house pets. It has been found in the deepest recesses of the ocean and in the Great Lakes. 
These chemicals must be banned immediately to prevent further exposure and transmission through the environment. By banning PBDEs we ensure that future generations have a healthy and safe environment to live in. 
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