Help Me Keep My Family!

Hello! Please help me in ensuring that my family of 10 dogs not be seperated or torn from their loving home! I recently got a courtesy notice of a violation of municipal ordinance code stating that i must "get rid" of all but 3 dogs! I have been rescueing strays and unwanted pups for years! They are well taken care of and healthy and happy with their surroundings! The boys and girls are even seperated and have their own full size rooms... 1 room for the boys.. And 1 room for the girls. Please help me as i cannot seperate and simply "get rid" of these furry children of mine! They have a forever home with me and i go above and beyond for my dogs! Please dont let them tear us apart! It took forever to get them to where they are today... Many were malnoursished, forgotton, beat and unloved! They now know what love and freedom is and seem very content! Thank you for your help! Some of these pups i have raised their whole life and have never been a day away or without them! :/ i am being forced to "get rid" of all but 3! How can they even ask a person to do so... They are my kids! Me and my boyfriend both have full time jobs and he is even working a second to speed things up! We always wanted to start an animal sanctuary for rescued sentient beings and plan on doing so once we can, but we recently got a violation of municipal ordinance code for having our two geese, Daisy and Cody, and our dogs! They are more than cared for and healthy! But apparently we cannot have that amount of dogs in this area... And right now dont have nearly enough saved to relocate our family in the given time. I cannot bear the fact and see these loved family members torn away and put in another shelter or discarded when they already have a happy, healthy, clean and loving environment! Thank you for your time! Ricky Jaramillo - Animal Lover and Rescuer

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