SB 288: Domestic Violence Against Family Pets

  • par: Gerri Jergensen
  • destinataire: Senate Committee References: Criminal Justice (CJ) , Judiciary (JU) , Budget (BC)

Domestic Violence against family pets; Providing that a court may issue a injuction for protection against domestic violence granting the petitioner the exclusive care, custody or cproviding that it is a first-degree misdemeanor for a person to willfully violate an injunction for protection against domestic violence by knowingly and intentionally injuring or threatening to injure any animal owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by the petitioner, the respondent, or a minor child of the petitioner or respondent; providing control of any animal owned, possessed, leased, kept or held by the petitioner, the respondent, or minor child of the petitioner or respondent; providing criminal penalties.


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