All restaurants to have baby changing station in restrooms

It is a major inconvenience when you are out eating at a restaurant and you get up to change your infant or toddler and find that there is not a changing station to change your child. It is a health code violation for you to change your child out in the open of a restaurant so where are you supposed to change your child? You have the option of changing your child in your car, but what if the temperature is extreme, such as very high temperatures or low temps? Also who wants to deal with the dirty looks everyone gives when you have your baby either sprawled across your lap to change them on sprawled out on the car seat? I also don't like the fact that when you have to change your child out in the open that any and everyone can see their private areas. At least in a restroom there is only a small amount of passer bys. It is my proposal that all restaurants include at least one changing table and or station in their restrooms. This makes all parties happy. Mothers or fathers no longer have to face the inconvenience of taking their child out to change them or face the embarassment of being asked to stop or leave a restaurant because of a health code violation. Restaurant owners/managers etc. don't have to deal with confronting these parents or the health code violations, and parents are happy and don't leave rude comments on the comment cards. 

I am also including a link for an article about a mother who was kicked out of a restaurant for changing her baby out at the table when she saw there were no changing tables. The complaint wasn't even that it violated health code but that it bothered the other customers. Read the article here:

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Check out this article of a mother who was kicked out of a restaurant for changing her baby at the table when she saw there were no changing tables. The restaurant didn't even say they kicked her out because it violated health code but because it would bother other costumers.

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