Western Canada High School: Ditch your racist team name!

The American team "The Redskins" recently lost its patent because its name is disrespectful to American Indian people.

Western Canada High School in Calgary, Alberta, is a shining example of diversity and academic achievement, with a great sports program as well. So why keep a blatantly racist team name? It's time to stop calling our team "the Redmen" and find something better.

Western Canada, we love you, but it's time to leave the past behind. Change your team name and help keep alumni and students proud. 

Dear Principal Kim HackmanAssistant Principal Jayme McDonald,  Assistant Principal 
Lynn Rule, and Assistant Principal Darrin Whitbread,

We speak for many other concerned students, parents, Calgarians, and Canadians. The school has been the pride of Calgary for many years, and its athletic achievements are noteable, but the only way to continue being proud is by updating the racist, outdated team name. Please don't keep the "redmen" red. There are much better and more respectful names that could be used. 

Thank you for helping us continue to support First Nations rights in Canada. 

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