Every year, hundreds of thousands of farmed animals die in fires because their commerical housing facilities are not required to have smoke controls or sprinkler systems. In 2012 alone, over 600,000 chickens, pigs, turkeys, cows and other animals perished in fires from which they had no chance of escaping. They died horribly, frightened and without hope of rescue.
Did you know that there is a requirement already in place, enacted by the National Fire Protection Act (NFPA), that mandates sprinklers in facilities housing "dangerous" animals and those that cannot be easily moved, such as elephants and bears? Why, then, can't there be protection for factory farmed animals who likewise can't be saved when fires occur? The answer is, there can -- and there should be.
In 2012, NFPA proposed to amend its 150 Standard for Fire & Life Safety in Animal Housing to require that all newly-constructed animal housing facilities be required to install sprinklers and smoke control devices. When this measure was strongly opposed by the pork, poultry, cattle and dairy industries, NFPA dropped the proposal to further "research" it.
However, the NHPA is taking public comments on this proposal through May 16, 2014. Make your voice heard on this issue. Speak for the animals who can't speak for themselves.
Please sign this petition asking the NFPA to move forward and enact its proposed amendment to its standard to provide fire protection to confined farm animals.
Dear National Fire Protection Association:
Those who have signed this petition, like many other members of the public, are distressed and saddened that hundreds of thousands of confined farm animals die tragic and agonizing deaths by smoke and fire every year in the United States. You can do something to stop it.
Please amend the 150 Standard for Fire & Life Safety in Animal Housing to mandate that all newly-constructed animal housing facilities which hold animals designated “Category B” by the NFPA be required to install sprinklers and smoke control systems. So many innocent confined animals need your help. They don't have to die painful, terrifying deaths in preventable fires.
We submit these signatures for consideration during your public comment period on this matter. Thank you for giving this issue the attention it deserves.