This petition will be submitted but it would be much better if you sent an email (or phoned). Contact information and sample email are below.
The government of New Brunswick, Canada is planning to enact legislation that will:
1. follow the standards of animal care established by agro business. (See
2. put in place dog tethering legislation that is unenforceable, thus dogs will continue to be tethered outdoors 24/7 for life on short heavy chains on occupied property as well as abandoned property.
I believe the program W5, and undercover investigations (such as Mercy for Animals ), former farmers and animal rescuers have shown that the standards of care in this legislation involve animal abuse and torture.
More information can be found at
We have until July 31, 2014 to make our concerns known:
Here is the proposed legislation:
(The above link is found on this page )
Please contact:
Environment and Local Government New Brunswick, Canada
Telephone: (506) 453-2690
Fax: (506) 453-7128
by July 31, 2014
Song: Dogs Cry
Hon. Mr. David Alward,
The proposed changes to the Society for the Prevention to Animals Act will not prevent abuse and neglect of animals in New Brunswick.
The section referring to the tethering of dogs in New Brunswick is unenforceable and unacceptable. Three stakeholder groups have consulted with your government, a rally was held at the legislature in Fredericton, and more then 8,000 citizens of New Brunswick signed petitions against the tethering of dog 24/7. The proposed legislation does not address the concerns expressed, it does not incorporate the recommendations made and it will not address this form of animal cruelty.
This proposed legislation accepts standards of care established by organizations that exploit and slaughter animals for profit. I believe the program W5, and undercover investigations (such as Mercy for Animals Canada ), former farmers and animal rescuers have shown that the standards of care in this legislation involve animal abuse and practices considered to be inhumane. For example:
1. although research has demonstrated that the use of CO results in animal suffering and a horrible, inhumane agonizing death, this legislation makes CO an approved form of euthanasia. For example:
2. confinement of animals to tiny containers that allow little movement
3. isolation of social animals including young terrified babies
4. transport during extreme temperature and without access to food and water for example:
5. surgery performed on conscious animals without the use of anaesthetic by people who are not veterinarians
6. pain medication after surgery is not required
7. killing using blunt force
8. the use of farrowing crates
Why is it legal to boil animals alive, for animals to be eaten alive, to take newborn babies away from their mothers, or to use leg hold traps? ( countries and other provinces in Canada are taking measures to prevent animal cruelty. New Brunswick seems to be moving in the opposite direction instead of taking a stand against animal cruelty in its many forms.
I urge the government of New Brunswick to scrap these proposed amendments and instead to pass real, enforceable legislation that will actually offer all animals in New Brunswick protection from cruelty and inhumane practices.
Your Name
Your address
Hon. Mr. David Alward,
The proposed changes to the Society for the Prevention to Animals Act will not prevent abuse and neglect of animals in New Brunswick.
The section referring to the tethering of dogs in New Brunswick is unenforceable and unacceptable. Three stakeholder groups have consulted with your government, a rally was held at the legislature in Fredericton and more then 8,000 citizens of New Brunswick signed petitions against the tethering of dog 24/7. The proposed legislation does not address the concerns expressed, it does not incorporate the recommendations made and it will not address this form of animal cruelty.
This proposed legislation accepts standards of care established by organizations that exploit and slaughter animals for profit. I believe the program W5, and undercover investigations (such as Mercy for Animals Canada ), former farmers and animal rescuers have shown that the standards of care in this legislation involve animal abuse and practices considered to be inhumane. For example:
1. although research has demonstrated that the use of CO results in animal suffering and a horrible, inhumane agonizing death, this legislation makes CO and approved form of euthanasia. For example:
2. confinement of animals to tiny containers that allow little movement
3. isolation of social animals including young terrified babies
4. transport during extreme temperature and without access to food and water for example:
5. surgery performed on conscious animals without the use of anaesthetic by people who are not veterinarians
6. pain medication after surgery is recommenced but not required
7. killing using blunt force
8. the use of farrowing crates
Other countries and other provinces in Canada are taking measures to prevent animal cruelty. New Brunswick seems to be moving in the opposite direction instead of taking a stand against animal cruelty in its many forms.
I urge the government of New Brunswick to scrap these proposed amendments and instead to pass real, enforceable legislation that will actually offer all animals in New Brunswick protection from cruelty and inhumane practices.
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