Demand an end to euthanization of healthy animals at Warren County Animal Control
- par: Rae Stamps
- destinataire: Warren County, TN, County Commissioners. Tommy Savage
God created animals and humans. While not necessarily created equal, animals have their place on this earth. Dogs and cats can suffer great abuse, neglect, and imprisonment and still be a loving pet. Their love is unconditional. They bring joy to the lonely and comfort to the sick. Animals who are vetted, spayed and neutered can live long, happy lives. Behavioral issues can be treated and even the most pitiful and unloved dog or cat can become loving pets.
The animals at Warren County Animal Control are there due to HUMAN irresponsibility. They, like unwanted children, are on this earth through no fault of their own. These animals can be adopted locally or can be transported to northern states to be adopted. Spay and neuter laws in other states make for a shortage of pets there. This county has come so far in helping these animals and trying to get them homes instead of putting them to death. We do not need to go back to the "good old boys" network. We must move forward for the sake of every creature.
"You can judge the morality of a nation by the way the society treats its animals."
Mahatma Gandhi