Kenai needs methadone clinic

There is so many overdoses on the Kenai peninsula, I never have heard of heroin addiction being an epidemic in our town until a few years ago when I lost a friend. I had no clue they were using. When my sister overdosed in 2016 it became my goal to try and start a methadone clinic in this town, even discussing it with a local doctor who unfortunately passed away. He was 100% for trying to get a clinic here .There had been a suboxone dr. and clinic in Kenai, but it doesn't help everyone. My sister left a note when she died and had been using heroin etc.. In Washington state she had been to a methadone clinic and it helped her get her life back, she started working in a doctor's office as a secretary and file clerk, personal issues happened and she had to move here with me. With no methadone, she only had what she had left in take homes about 24 days worth, after that she was seeing a dr. for some ,he was allowed to prescribe for addiction. She was doing great and received another great job. Unfortunately the good doctor passed away and she tried suboxone and it didn't work for her, she really tried. In her suicide note, she said that she was upset for the reasons she'd moved up here for and a big factor was suboxone didn't help her, that doctor couldn't prescribe it, actually he could but wouldn't and we had no family in Anchorage where there were 2 clinics and a huge waiting list and the other one wasn't taking her insurance. So if we would have had a clinic my sister would be here and that's why I've been making it a personal effort to get a clinic here on our peninsula. My sister was a mother and a nurse who helped others. Please sign and lets try and get all of these addicts have a choice in their lives .To get their lives back on the suboxone program or a methadone program who will help others that suboxone and other treatment drugs don't help. Everyones brain is wired different. Please start seeing this. Thank you
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