Boycott all leather products from China, it may be dog or cat skin!

If you have ever owned a pet dog or cat you know that they are wonderful companions and loyal friends.

But did you know that in places like China, where there are no laws against animal cruelty, domestic dogs and cats are brutally slain in the most horrific manner imaginable to make cheap leather products?

Typically, dogs and cats are bludgeoned repeatedly over the head as this is the cheapest way to kill them. Sometimes the animal is still alive when the skin is ripped from its body.

Many countries around the world import cheap leather from China. Sometimes the leather is sold as lamb skin, or even described as faux leather so consumers are unaware that they are supporting the dog/cat leather trade.

The only way to be sure you are not supporting this barbaric trade is to pledge to go leather free and choose animal friendly materials.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Thank you to everybody who has signed this petition so far. Please keep signing and sharing. I am sure that like me you do not like to read about this, or see the images. However the only way we can stop this once and for all is to increase public awareness of these practices. The more caring people that know about this, the more power we have to stop it! Please think twice before purchasing that inexpensive leather wallet, or that fur-covered trinket. Where did it come from?
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