Demand an end to the snapping turtles hunt!

  • par: Emaan Ansari
  • destinataire: The ministry of natural resources

Snapping turtles are being hunted for food and it is legal! We need to stand up and make it illigal. This is important because turtles are a big part of the ecosystem & are marked as "under risk"already!

When the turtles cross the road to breed or to lay eggs, they are vulnerable to cars & also to hunters that can just pick them up from the road. They are also threatend by habitat loss. Female snapping turtles start reproducing at age 17-19,  and only some of the offspring survive so taking a few adults from an area would make a big impact.

It is legal to hunt 2 turtles per person, per day. The Ministry Of Natrual Resources does not monitor the hunting. Why wait till snapping turtles are critically enadangered to take action? Please sign this petition so we can help save those turtles!

Mettre À Jour #2il y a 8 ans
We've gotten 218 signatures now! Please share on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms so we can get more signatures and save those turtles before it is too late!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 8 ans
The petition is onto 193 signatures, but we need more! Please share on Facebook, twitter, and other social media platforms so we can make a difference!
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