Support An Extension of Two Year Ban on Gillnets to Save the Vaquita Dolphin

  • par: Sue Lee
  • destinataire: Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto

The Vaquita river dolphin is still an endangered species. This little dolphin is the smallest known whale to science, only measuring 4-5 feet in length and 65- 120 pounds when full-grown. Although they are endangered, they have received some protection with recognition on the Endangered Species List in 1985. However, they are still in danger of extinction.

Along with pollution and habitat loss, the Vaquita faces danger with the use of gillnets that are utilized in catching shrimp, fish and sharks. When the Vaquita is caught in one of these nets, they cannot breath and end up drowning. With efforts to save the Vaquita, the Mexican Government has recently stepped up their game but we are asking for further support to save this valuable, gorgeous animal.

Recent efforts have been implemented for fishing operations to be banned completely for the next two years. We are asking the Mexican President, through the signing and sharing of this petition, to make every effort to support an extension of the two year ban on gillnets in order to save the Vaquita river dolphin. Please help us in these efforts.

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto – We are urging you to please make every effort to support an extension of the two year ban on gillnets in order to save the Vaquita river dolphin. This dolphin is in extreme danger of extinction and gillnets are a major issue that contributes to this concern. Ban these gillnets and save the Vaquita.

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