Let's Build Rural Broadband for San Juan County

OPALCO has spent 3 years developing a 35 million dollar plan to improve broadband in San Juan County. Recently, it was declared dead.

There are areas of San Juan County that still do not have *any* broadband options that are 3 megabits up+down.

We the petitioners would respectfully request the County and OPALCO spend $250,000 to demonstrate a Broadband Solution for Rural San Juan Isiands, rather than continue to spend money on expensive consultants and planners.

We respectfully request OPALCO and the County use a portion of the RUS funds already approved for such a project to build out this demonstation system.

We ask that OPALCO and the County request a design for this solution within that budget, with maximum benefit for the greatest number of underserved Residents, by engaging San Juan County residents/engineers/entrepenuers *first* via open competitive plan submissions, published to the residents of San Juan County. 

Dear OPALCO and San Juan County. 

Please work together to use $250,000 of RUS/USDA funds already approved to build a demosntration network, designed by Islanders for Islanders in an Open, competition, where all Islanders can participate in the Design, Development, Deployment and observe the benefits and use for the Winning Proposal.

Thank you,
the undersigned 


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