Empty the Tanks: Support the ORCA Act to End Killer Whales in Captivity

  • par: Aaron V.
  • destinataire: U.S. Congress

SeaWorld's announcement that this would be the final generation of killer whales in their tanks is a huge win, but we need to ensure other theme parks don't see this as an opportunity to grow their captive marine mammal programs. 

Since the film "Blackfish" aired extensively on CNN, a massive outcry has demanded better treatment of killer whales in captivity, and an eventual end to the inhumane practice.

It should no longer be legal in the United States to keep these intelligent, highly social animals in enclosures the relative size of hot tubs - stripped of their families and their ability to live in the wild, swimming hundreds of miles, hunting as a pack, and caring for their young together.

Sign this petition to add your voice to the call to end orcas in captivity, and ask your member of congress to support the ORCA Act, introduced by Adam Schiff (D-CA) to phase out this horrible treatment of such amazing animals.

Please cosponsor and support Adam Schiff's ORCA legislation to phase out the practice of keeping killer whales in captivity.

It should no longer be legal in the United States to keep these intelligent, highly social animals in enclosures the relative size of hot tubs - stripped of their families and their ability to live in the wild, swimming hundreds of miles, hunting as a pack, and caring for their young together.

Please take action immediately to ensure no more of these vulnerable, threatened animals are forced to undergo such inhumane treatment.

Mettre À Jour #3il y a 7 ans
Kyara, SeaWorld's last baby orca just died - she was born in captivity at SeaWorld San Antonio in May. We need Congress to end the cruel practice of keeping these amazing marine mammals in captivity. Please share the petition widely right now! Sharing is how we win!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
Oh no - SeaWorld San Antonio's beloved orca Unna died yesterday, after being sick for 8 years. This is the 3rd whale death at the amusement park in the past 6 months! We need Congress to end the cruel practice of keeping these amazing marine mammals in captivity. Please share the petition widely right now! Sharing is how we win!

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