Tell LinkedIn to ban professional trophy hunters' profiles.

Why should people sign?
Because 99% of humans think that trophy hunters are the scum of the Earth, that's why.

I don't think *anyone* has the right to go to a foreign country and kill animals for pleasure.

If people are ever going to stop trophy hunting, we have to make it so difficult for them that they just can't be bothered with it anymore. If nothing is done, they will continue.

Salome de Villiers has this profile on LinkedIn.

Here is what she says on her website, marvel safaris, that she co-owns:

You see, hunting and killing is human nature; even you who are against killing and are threatening to kill me, cannot ignore your nature. The reality is that a Leopard will never eat veggies and a Lion will not stop hunting so people like us who are not ignoring the way God created the world will never stop hunting or doing what God intended us to do. In fact, we are fighting you, the 'Urbanizer', the killer of the worlds, vegetation and nature by industrializing protein and manufacturing and commercializing food production, instead of using the source created by the creator. I love nature and I will always hunt; I will always fight to preserve nature and I will always be your enemy. You destroy the world by pollution, by killing without knowing it from a distance on contract, by ignoring the rules and the laws of nature; and in the end, you might shout the hardest and you might threaten the most, but we hunters will always be there to ensure life is in harmony with the way it was designed to be.

For life to exist, death must exist — the balance — one must kill to live. You do this daily without knowing it, but I do it daily and I know and respect what I kill. I harvest just what I need, and in the process, also save some for my kids. So, please feel free to stay ignorant, but leave me be — because you are the one breaking the rules created by God and nature.

Now you tell me. Why should we put up with this bullshit?

Update #55 months ago
Last update! I have been banned from LinkedIn (twice). Please share this around again and again on all your social media channels. Also, if you'd like to directly support my activism, please visit my etsy shop. There are many handmade eco mouse mats to choose from and also some art. I could really do with the money this week. Thanks, Leslie —
Update #47 months ago
Hello, I have another important petition for you to sign "Taiwan does not belong to China! Demand that Qantas fixes its website!!"

Thanks, Leslie
Update #37 months ago
I have another important petition for you to sign "Release Navalny now! Stop persecuting and oppressing Navalny supporters."

Thanks, Leslie
Update #29 months ago
LinkedIn is hopeless. But here, I have started a new petition and it's to do with animal cruelty on Youtube. Animals being killed and eaten onscreen while still live! Worse, the producers are actually getting paid to make these sick videos and it has to stop. It needs signatures. Sign and share!
Update #11 years ago
Hello! Every now and then, I start a new petition. And here's my latest one: "Sack Jolyon Maugham, a prominent Barrister/QC who murdered a fox with a baseball bat (and bragged about it on twitter)."
Please sign and share it (if you share it multiple times it always works better to go viral). Thanks,

I think you're mistaken honey.

Firstly, don't bring god or pollution into this. I've noticed that many hunters are highly religious. God didn't invent the high powered weapons that you use.

So there's that. If you were put up against a lion or tiger armed with just your fingernails and a stick, you would lose every single time.

Secondly, I don't believe in any god. But that doesn't make me appreciate biodiversity any less than you do. If anything, it makes me realise how special life truly is.

While you are our killing loads and loads of animals, I actually read books to find out where life comes from. I think this is a better approach than to infer that something  was 'created' something out of thin air.

Scientists researched half of the tools you are using to go about on your bloody murderous campaigns. Including the cameras that you use to take some truly ugly photos of yourselves. God didn't invent cameras and aeroplanes. Right? People did. People that choose to live in cities. So get with the fucking times already!

The airplane that you are flying on over to Africa also produces pollution. So you can't talk about pollution.

Thirdly, not everyone that is against tophy hunting eats meat. Whalers also argue this same point. Do you know what? I gave up eating meat in 2015, just so people like you couldn't call me a hypocrite!

Mettre À Jour #5il y a 3 ans
Hello, I have another petition I would like you to sign. "Don't bulldoze 1000 trees for a Moruya highway bypass overdevelopment! Choose the shorter option D/E instead."
I would *really* appreciate it if you could all sign & share this new petition.
Kind regards,
leslie dean brown
Mettre À Jour #4il y a 3 ans
Hello, I have another important petition for you to sign "Taiwan does not belong to China! Demand that Qantas fixes its website!!"

Thanks, Leslie
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 3 ans
I have another important petition for you to sign "Release Navalny now! Stop persecuting and oppressing Navalny supporters."

Thanks, Leslie
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 4 ans
LinkedIn is hopeless. But here, I have started a new petition and it's to do with animal cruelty on Youtube. Animals being killed and eaten onscreen while still live! Worse, the producers are actually getting paid to make these sick videos and it has to stop. It needs signatures. Sign and share!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 5 ans
Hello! Every now and then, I start a new petition. And here's my latest one: "Sack Jolyon Maugham, a prominent Barrister/QC who murdered a fox with a baseball bat (and bragged about it on twitter)."
Please sign and share it (if you share it multiple times it always works better to go viral). Thanks,

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