Don't let Trump change the debate rules to his advantage

  • par: Left Action
  • destinataire: Media and campaign officials

Donald Trump agreed to debate on September 10th, on ABC, but he is threatening once again to drop out unless the rules are changed to benefit him.

Don't let him do it. He agreed to specific rules, and he doesn't get to change it now, just because he is scared of Kamala Harris.

Trump is pushing to have a debate on Fox, in front of a live audience filled with his whooping supporters. Or to change it to another network. Or... something else, since he's all over the map.

Let's make it simple: Trump agreed to a debate on September 10th on ABC, and he can either show up, or he can stay hidden in his basement. But the debate about debates is over, and the rules are not going to be changed.

Add your name: Don't let Trump change the debate rules

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 6 mois
Trump says there's an agreement for his format for ABC, but the Harris campaign says this is BS. So keep up the pressure!
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