It has happening again! Two Alpha-wolves,-a she and her male was brutally killed by the leading hunter Ole Martin Norderhaug who bragged about it,-and his team of hunters/farmers. NOAH- the animal défence organisation in Norway means this cruelty is against the Norwegian constitution. Many more wolves has died by the hand of hunters/farmers. Please tell the Prime-minister in Norway- Erna Solberg to stop the resolution to kill wolves in Norway. This is cruelty!
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 6 ans
And even more wolfkillings! One of the killinghunters-Halvor Sveen kiced and spitted on the killed wolf.....laying there...dead😥..(look up the program Insider from Norwegian Tv)
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 6 ans
Please help💖More wolves has been killed since😥💖