Please help to save precious lives. Wayne State University in Michigan has been conducting heart failure experiments on dogs for years. It's bad science and incredibly painful for the dogs, all of whom either die during the experiments or are killed at the end. This campaign is to spare dogs from cruel experiments and put an end to these scientifically flawed experiments. This petiton is not only for dogs but also on behalf of cats, pigs, mice, and other animals big and small. Let's show Wayne University we want all experiments stopped on all animals now.
Mettre À Jour #3il y a 10 ans
Wayne State University in Michigan continues to conduct heart failure experiments on dogs. It's bad science and incredibly painful for the dogs. These dogs suffer horrific abuse only to either die during the experiments or are killed at the end. We need more signatures - NOW. Please share this petition and encourage everyone you know to sign this campaign.
I know with everyones help we can stop this here and now so no more dogs will suffer.
Thank you for help.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
I was so excited to start this petition in an effort to stop animal experiments at Wayne University, however since this petition has been dropped way down to the bottom of the list of Care 2 petitions things have come to a complete halt.
I emailed Care2 for information on how to get this petition on the front page of Animal Welfare, but no reply was given. Still I'm leaving this petition on in hopes of making a difference.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 11 ans
I contacted Bill Laitner - Free Press.
"I would be interested when the signatures are submitted to Wayne State board of governors, at the next public meeting. Debbie Dingell plans to discuss the latest data submitted to the board about the experimentation.
Keep me posted. You are welcome to submit a letter to the editor.
Regards, Bill Laitner, staff writer"
This petition is stagnating - please SHARE.
nancy kittle