Save Pit Bulls

Anyone that has a heart for animals no matter what breed they might be. Pit Bulls are not mean, they are trained to be that way. They want to give love and to receive it. Please give them a chance. Punish the people who train them to be monsters, not the breed. Here is some more information on this breed of dog.
SAVE PIT BULLS!!! This petition in is honor of Tazzy.I tried to save him from a shelter. Tazzy went to doggie heaven on September 15, 2013
For anyone who thinks Pit Bulls are just nothing but mean, then you should read this story. Look at these pictures. Maybe it will change your mind about them.

Mettre À Jour #3il y a 11 ans
We are almost there. We need 83 more people to sign. Keep passing, sharing and posting. Thanks to all who have helped to get where we are now.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 11 ans
Thank you to everyone. And a big hug goes out to Sue who has been helping with this petition. We are almost there. YAHOOOOO! Keep doing what you are doing. I am looking at the end of the week and we should have 1,000 people. Thank you so much for being such caring and giving friends. I love you all. Never let this mean world change who you are. STAY AWESOME like you are now. Big hugs to all.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 11 ans
Thank you to everyone who has signed my petitions. We are making a dent into it but still need a little over 500 more people to sign. Keep passing, posting, and sharing so we can do it.
Big hugs to all.

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