get this child locked up for what he did to this kitten

  • par: Julia Turner
  • destinataire: Kathy Catazaro-Perry, Mayor
Word is going around about an incident that took place in Massillon, Ohio. Allegedly, an 11-year-old boy tortured a kitten. The kitten has had his tail cut off and has anal tears and lacerations from being assaulted with a stick. He also has been cut on his leg with an unknown sharp object. It is said that this boy has been known to abuse and torture small animals, shoot dogs with a BB gun, shoot the windows out of a car. The police were contacted about this, and so far, nothing is being done. they were very dismissive, wouldn't look at any of the documents brought in and did not even write anything down. The kitten was taken to a vet, who had a very hard time holding back tears as she examined the little guy. Willow has undergone surgery and is recovering nicely so far.
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