Texas Republicans Are Causing Climate Chaos, and All of Us Will Suffer Because of It

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Texas Republican Legislators
Texas is in the middle of a clean energy boom, which is fantastic news for the state's environment and economy. The Lone Star State is already the number one producer of wind power in the country, and solar power in Texas is rapidly expanding, too. But Texas Republicans are stuck in the stone age, and want to block the production of healthy, renewable energy at any cost.

Sign the petition to tell Texas Republicans to stop opposing the green energy revolution!

Republicans have introduced a number of bills to the Texas legislature to make it more difficult to produce wind and solar energy, both vital for preventing an environmental apocalypse caused by climate change.

These Republicans want to protect oil and gas production, polluting industries that are conveniently controlled by conservative billionaires. Ironically, they're blocking clean energy projects by creating a number of complicated rules and permitting requirements. Aren't these the same politicians who claim to be in favor of 'small government?'

Climate change is already threatening thousands of species with extinction and forcing millions of humans to migrate into cooler climates. We must be supporting clean, green energy, not letting Republicans block it. Sign the petition now if you agree!

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