For the future of Brazilian biodiversity

For the end of the political appointments in positions of director of Units of Conservation of the Chico Mendes Institute. What we are witnessing in Brazil is the dismantling of the Ministry of the Environment and Conservation Units of Brazil. Remember that Brazil is the country of megabiodiversity that nowhere in the world there are so many species of plants and animals, unfortunately these species are increasingly threatened with extinction, so much that some will disappear before even being studied by the researchers. And contrary to sustainability, the Ministry of the Environment has made decisions that threaten our greatest asset: Biodiversity. Among these decisions is the political appointment of people with no conservation experience to be managers of federal conservation units. Firstly, it named a ruralista indication to head Lagoa do Peixe National Park, the one indicated is the granddaughter of one of the largest rice producers in the region and in its curriculum there are no previous works in the area of ​​biodiversity conservation. This conservation area is an extremely important area as it is internationally recognized as a refuge for several species of birds that migrate from countries such as Canada, the United States, Chile and Argentina, and more than 270 species have already been cataloged on the spot. Of these species, some are classified in the category critically endangered, for example, the curlew. In the Caparaó National Park, the public official responsible for managing the park was also exonerated, being occupied by a merchant affiliated with a political party and running for municipal elections as deputy mayor. Again there was no technical criterion for the choice, since the person indicated does not have technical training in the area and no experience in the area of ​​conservation and management of conservation units. But this seems to be only the beginning of the decay of the country's Conservation Units, since the Ministry of the Environment also intends to review the limits and rules of protection of dozens of conservation units reaching the entire country. This represents a serious setback in environmental preservation, we remember that deforestation rates only increase in Brazil, that environmental monitoring is weakened and that global warming is real. In the XXI century, research and practical experiences have already proven that we can add environmental preservation and economic development. So why go back in time and return to the unbridled exploitation of natural resources? So that the Brazilians who are today children can grow in the country of megabiodiversity we need to act now before it is too late.


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