No more barbaric glue traps!

  • par: Annick PILLARD
  • destinataire: Mme la Présidente de la Commission des Pétitions, European Parliament, B-1047 Brussels

Please sign this petition to definitely ban the use of glue traps in Europe.
Here's what PETA association writes about glue traps :

"One of the cruelest methods of killing animals that exists today is the glue trap. These devices consist of pieces of cardboard, fiberboard, or plastic coated with a sticky adhesive designed to ensnare any small animal who wanders across or lands on its surface.
Trapped rodents and other animals suffer immeasurably during the days that it takes for them to die. Glue traps rip patches of skin, fur, and feathers off the animals’ bodies as they struggle to escape, and many animals even chew off their own legs trying to get free. Some animals get their faces stuck in the glue and suffocate, which can take hours. And the screaming of ensnared rodents is extremely upsetting to people who are then unsure of how to “dispose” of these living creatures. Glue-trap manufacturers generally direct consumers to throw animals in the trash along with the trap, leaving the victims to suffer for days until they finally die of starvation, dehydration, or stress—a cruel fate.
Glue traps are completely indiscriminate. PETA fields calls on a regular basis from distraught individuals who have discovered birds, lizards, snakes, bats, chipmunks, squirrels, and even their own animal companions hopelessly stuck to these sticky boards."

Let's join to make sure these awful things definitely disappear.

Thank you!

Mettre À Jour #2il y a 9 ans
Hi, everybody,

I'm just about to close this petition as it doesn't receive signatures anymore BUT you can sign it on, now:

Thanking you once more for everything and hoping to meet you soon on Change, I send you all my affection.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 9 ans
NEED YOUR HELP to make this petition a big success and these awful ugly traps old memories from a sickening past! Please share, talk about it, annoy all your friens with it, be obsessed with it... (O.k., I am...) Thanks for everything and have a nice week.
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