Ban euthanizing shelter pets

  • par: Tabitha Miller
  • destinataire: New Jersey Senator, New Jersey Governor

Millions of innocent animals in shelters are euthanized because they adopted in the short period of time the shelter gave them. It may take a few years before an person adopts an animal. These places are called shelters, they are supposed to provide shelter to an unwanted animal, not kill them. An orphanage for human children would not kill the children because they didn't get adopted so why do this to an innocent defenseless animal. If we ban euthanization, it will give more of an opportunity for these animals to get adopted. These animals deserve that and deserve a chance at getting a forever home. Please sign this petition to make it possible for animals to get adopted and not killed. All the animals would really appreciate that, it would mean the world to them. It is bad enough most of them are scared and terrified to be there, then to be killed on top of that. It is just extremely cruel and and horrible. We are trying to end animal cruelty, and this euthanizing them in shelters is not helping at all. Please help end this cruelty.


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