Project Sunshine Petition: Remove Derek Jeter and Bruce Sherman from Miami

Attention South Floridians: Let's Win Back Our Baseball Team
January 6th, 2018

Calling on all South Floridians to stand up for themselves and our community:

What has the Marlins new ownership group done since taking over?

Let's recap:

Fire: Rich Waltz, Andre Dawson, Tony Perez, Jack McKeon, Jeff Conine, and longtime scout Marty Scott, who was in the hospital recovering from colon cancer surgery at the time.

Send away: (As of 1/26/18) Beloved stars including NL MVP Giancarlo Stanton, Marcell Ozuna, Christian Yelich, Dee Gordon, and Ichiro Suzuki. With more likely to be sent out of town (Castro, Realmuto, Bour etc)

Lack of class: Fire beloved staff by text, trading away stars by text, showing no care for history of franchise, openly feuding with Stanton over who said what, lying to the media, nasty and smart-a** remarks at a town hall with season tickets holders, and sitting at a Monday Night Football Game hours after trading away the greatest player in franchise history while every other MLB owner and GM is in Orlando at the Winter Meetings. Does this not spell out chicken?

So far refusing to: Honor Jose Fernandez, by retiring his #16 and installing his statue, both were key promises by previous ownership.

In 2018 expect: 60 wins and 102 losses, 96 less home runs, over 300 less RBI's, and 70 less stolen bases.

Who profits from fire sale? According to the Miami Herald, Derek Jeter. (Read Below)

Where is Bruce Sherman? The majority owner has yet to show his face since the introductory press conference on October 3rd.

Anything I missed?


Goals of our movement

1. Sabotage the corrupt Project Wolverine by boycotting all Marlins games, and refraining from purchasing merchandise to prevent the group from profiting.

2. Launch Project Sunshine petition to remove Bruce Sherman and Derek Jeter from their position as Marlins owners.



Despite their actions listed above, these owners project to make $68 million in "cash flow" profit. Instead of investing a one-time payout of $50 million from MLB (went to all 30 clubs) in our team, they will use it for their own good, to make a profit. Being profitable means a big bonus. That bonus would pay Jeter $2 million in 2018, $1.7 million in 2019, $1.1 million in 2020, $2 million in 2021 and $2 million in 2022. They plan on having even lower payrolls than 2018 in 2019 and 2020, and won't reach last years level until 2021. This shows commitment only to their own profit, and not to the success of our franchise. This cannot be accepted by us fans. We must stop this ownership group from making profit by launching a full boycott of all products (tickets, merchandise, and concessions etc) that would help this oppressive regime, until Project Sunshine gets a reasonable amount of signatures. Best of all, we must make sure MLB's first game of 2018, broadcast on National TV, is used as an embarrassment to the ownership group. An empty stadium on National TV, doesn't look good. We must also send a message to MLB Commissioner Robert Manfred, who knowingly authorized the sale of our Marlins to this group, knowing they planned to slash payroll, and trade beloved stars. So to recap: Jeter says team can't afford pricey players but predicts $116 M profits next 4 yrs while pocketing $27 M himself.


How can you take action?

Season Ticket Holders & Fans

For season ticket holders who have not renewed we ask you to refrain from doing so. Those who have, we ask you to cancel and request a full refund. For everyday fans, we ask that you refrain from buying tickets and merchandise, especially on Opening Day.

Project Sunshine Petition

Please sign our Project Sunshine petition: Please spread the word and share this with family and friends, to overthrow this corrupt regime. Considering population of 7.5 million between Miami Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and Monroe counties, we must achieve 1 million signatures before we can move forward. We hope to have this completed by April 1, 2018. With your assistance we can do it!

Spread the Word

Share this with your family and friends, forward our petition via email, and follow us on Instagram and Twitter @marlinsfansunite. Use #jeteroutofmiami and #notinmytown.

Current and Former Marlins Players and Staffers and Marlins Man

We do accept your endorsement and assistance in this movement, we understand your frustration is as large as ours.

Questions or Comments

You can reach us at


January 13th, 2018: We currently have about 200 signatures, obviously well off from our target, please forward this to all family and friends and tell them to sign and forward on. Thank you so much for your support.

January 26th, 2018: We currently have about 800 signatures. Overnight Christian Yelich has been traded. And now the MLB players association is questions the use of profit sharing funds. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being used for Jeter and his corrupt group to profit rather than being used for increased payroll or put into our team or community. Thank you so much for your support. Please sign and forward our petition!


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