Demand the Government Takes Immediate Action to Ensure Animals at the Koala Park Receive Proper Care

  • par: Georgina B.
  • destinataire: NSW Premier, Mike Baird

Animals at the Koala Park near Sydney are alleged to be malnourished and kept in dirty enclosures, according to a report in the Daily Mail.

The RSPCA has confirmed the park had pleaded guilty to three charges of failing to provide veterinary treatment to five koalas and would be sentenced next year.

The report noted the park was, "also found guilty of failing to treat or investigate an emaciated, dehyrdated and Chlamydia-infected male koala named Tassie. A second charge related to three female koalas, Alinga, Kamarah and Carcoola which had poor body condition, eye complaints and moist fur on their rumps, a sign of chlamydia which affects a koala's physical, mental and reproductive health. The third charge arose from the thin body condition, eye complaints and moist rump of a female koala, Tadpole."

The sanctuary's general manager has issued a press statement saying Sydney's 'oldest and only family operated animal sanctuary for nearly one hundred years' is 'disappointed in the current situation as we believed we have had good practices and veterinary services in place for many years.'

The statement said that the park would redevelop its animal practices ' to best industry standards' with the help of the RSPCA and the University of Sydney.

The animals at the Koala Park deserve better. In light of the news report, will you join me in urging that government officials such as rangers from NPWS conduct regular inspections to ensure the animals welfare?

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