A whistleblower recently revealed to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) that the Louisiana State University (LSU) School of Veterinary Medicine has been buying live dogs and animal cadavers from a local animal shelter in Baton Rouge.
These animals — alive or dead — were allegedly used to help train veterinary students. The problem is that obtaining such animals from this animal shelter appears not to comply licensing requirements of the Animal Welfare Act. Since they are violating this law, who knows whether they were ethically using the dogs or not?
The whistleblower indicated that LSU purchased animal cadavers for $20 each and live dogs for $40 each. PETA says at least 70 live dogs were supplied for this purpose in 2018 alone. The shelter has since decided to no longer supply any animals to LSU.
If you'd like to urge LSU to improve its adherence to the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act — and to more aggressively seek out new ways to avoid having to use live animals for any training or experimentation — please sign this petition.
Care2 will send it to LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Dean Joel D. Baines, DVM, PhD.
Dear Dean Baines -- We the undersigned were disturbed and distressed to learn that Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine may have violated the Animal Welfare Act by obtaining live dogs and dog cadavers from an unlicensed local Baton Rouge animal shelter.
Going forward, we urge you to scrupulously adhere to the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act in all your dealings with live animals. We also urge you to aggressively seek out new ways to avoid having to use live animals for any training or experimentation.
Thank you for your consideration of this important issue.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 5 ans
I have both good news & bad news. Because of your support, Louisiana passed a law banning animal shelters from selling animals to research facilities. That's a great start, but unfortunately it has a HUGE loophole. Under this new law, animal shelters *can still* give away live animals to be researched & experimented upon, but now it's only as a last resort and under limited circumstances. Let's get Louisiana to close this deadly loophole! Please sign and share the petition with your friends.