Justice for Baby Elephant Tortured to Death as Police Watch

  • par: Animal Advocates
  • destinataire: Governor of Assam, India, Shri Janaki Ballav Patnaik

A three year old baby elephant calf was brutal tortured to death by a mob of 200 villagers armed with sticks, bamboo poles, and ropes that went berserk charging the baby elephant. The incident was filmed as the mob killed the calf in front of two armed security guards.


(disturbing footage)


The incident took place October 23, 2010  in front of at least two armed personnel, a forest ranger and a policeman, with the more than hour long gory drama filmed by an amateur videographer in a paddy field in Morigaon district's Gubah village, about 60 km east of Assam's main city of Guwahati in India's northeast. The day before the elephant was officially declared a Heritage Animal.

We ask the government to hold an enquiry into the matter and punish all those involved in the act.



Hon'ble Governor, Assam, India

Shri Janaki Ballav Patnaik

The Chancellor,
Gauhati University,
Gopinath Bordoloi Nagar

Assam, India

FAX: 91-361-2700311 (GU)


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