STOP the HELL in Public Shelter, City of Giurgiu, Romania

  • par: Sabine Kah
  • destinataire: TO: Primăria Municipiului Giurgiu, Mr.Nicolae Barbu, Major of the City of Giurgiu, and all responsible persons and politicians for Public Shelter in Giurgiu

HELL IN PUBLIC SHELTER in GIURGIU!               Please help these poor dogs there   !!!!

To the major of Giurgiu, Mr.Nicolae Barbu, and to all responsible and involved persons,  and politcians of Primaria Municipiului Giurgiu 

We URGENTLY demand to

  • CARE about the dogs in Public Shelter, Giurgiu :
  • FEED the dogs with enough food and water
  • CLEAN the shelter every day
  • CHANGE VET and take a Vet who really cares about the dogs and treats them right
  • MAKE GOOD ADOPTIONS within Romania, also to ABROAD - to GOOD homes
  • PAY BETTER the people who work in Shelter –and control the people to do GOOD work with the animals !!!
  • DO NOT KILL!!!!!!!!!!
  • COOPERATE with animal friends and Animal Welfare Organisations, Romanian as well as abroad!
The dogs don´t get enough food and don´t have water, they have to stay in their own dirt, people there do not clean. Dogs are desparated and many have no hope anymore. Responsible persons don´t work together with animal welfare organisations and started to kill dogs without caring about them. Animal friends are not allowed to feed the dogs !!!!!

"A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members." ~ Mahatma Ghandi

Unhaltbare Zustände im öffentlichen "Tierheim" =Tötungsstation in der rumänischen Stadt Giurgiu! Der Appell richtet sich an den dortigen Bürgermeister, welcher für den Shelter zuständig ist. Dort werden die Hunde nicht mehr gut gefüttert, sie haben kein Wasser, die Tiere hungern und leiden Durst und trinken ihren eigenen Urin. Die winzigen Zwinger starren vor Dreck, Tierschützern wird es untersagt die Tiere mit Futter zu versorgen! Die Hunde werden nicht mehr gut tierärztlich versorgt und letztendlich getötet !!

TO: Primăria Municipiului Giurgiu, the major of Giurgiu, Mr.Nicolae Barbu, and to all responsible persons and politicians of Primaria Municipiului Giurgiu for the Public Shelter in Giurgiu: We urgently demand to

  • CARE about the dogs in Public Shelter, Giurgiu :

  • FEED the dogs with enough food and water

  • CLEAN the shelter every day

  • CHANGE VET and take a Vet who really cares about the dogs and treats them right

  • MAKE GOOD ADOPTIONS within Romania, also to ABROAD - to GOOD homes

  • PAY BETTER the people who work in Shelter –and control the people to do GOOD work with the animals !!!

  • DO NOT KILL!!!!!!!!!!

  • COOPERATE with animal friends and Animal Welfare Organisations, Romanian as well as abroad!

In February, 2014 it was recognized that the dogs don´t get enough food and don´t have water, they have to stay in their own dirt, people there do not clean. Dogs are desparated and many have no hope anymore. Responsible persons don´t work together with animal welfare organisations and started to kill dogs without caring about them. Animal friends are not allowed to feed the dogs !!!!! Dogs suffer illness, hunger and thirst and then they are killed.

"A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members." ~ Mahatma Ghandi 
What about the greatness of the responsible politicians in Giurgiu?

So we respectfully urge you: Please SHOW Y-O-U-R  GREATNESS: as a member of the EU, as a nation of the 21th century! Treat these helpless animals with RESPECT and loving CARE !

The World is watching you ! WE are watching you from allover the world!


Mettre À Jour #2il y a 11 ans
Please share and spread the link of this petition so that we can reach at least 15.000 signatures
to demand to stop the hell. Thank you!

Bitte teilen und verbreiten Sie diese Petition sodass wir zumindest 15.000 Unterschriften erreichen können- um diese Hölle für die Hunde beenden zu können. DANKE
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 11 ans
Please hold on and share..share..share the link of this petition:
per mail, on Facebook, on your homepage / blog...

Today I sent a copy of our petition, showing each signature and text, to the Major of Giurgiu and to all responsible and involved persons and politicians:
This document has got 329 pages with 8.492 signatures till now!

Please continue to help- the Petition so that we can change the situation of the animals into a better one!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH
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