Please ban the killing of nature for "sport". It is a crime against humanity.

  • par: Joanne White
  • destinataire: International Court of Justice in The Hague, The Whitehouse, USFWS, EU

The numbers of precious wildlife such as giraffes, lions and wolves etc. are diminshing rapidly due to "sport" killing which involves only a small minority of the human population.

In the case of South Africa (where so-called trophy hunting is rife) the animals are sold for an early death by bow or gun, from which there is no escape (often with cruelty and pain involved in the process) by white farmers (who have proved to be connected to apartheid and illegal poaching) to mostly foreign killers. Ninety percent of which are rich Americans and the remainder mainly Europeans, preying on a poor country's assets and this will also end the native eco-tourism industry in Africa. Killing off preditors in general anywhere, will, according to the exports, ruin the eco-system. Please end these selfish, corrupted practices, which are no benefit according to real conservationists and are also an offence to nature and animal lovers all over the world.


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