California State Scientists Clearly Define Top Priorities and Demand Fair Pay for State Scientists!

We are California State Scientists, represented by the California Association of Professional Scientists (CAPS). We are writing to clearly define what our top priorities are for the successor MOU:  

  • Provide General Salary Increases that would acknowledge the increased rate of inflation since the last contract expired.
  • Recognize unique recruitment and retention issues per Unit 10 classification and address compensation problems.
  • Address unprecedented pay gaps between rank-and-file classifications and their direct supervisors.
  • Provide recognition that some Unit 10 classifications need reclassification to stay up-to-date and relevant.
  • Examine promotional pathways for Unit 10 classifications that have had long-standing problems with reporting relationships and stagnant classifications. 
  • Recognize the high cost of living in many geographic locations in California.
  • Recognize institutional scientific knowledge that ensures California's Scientific Programs are successful.
  • Provide State Disability Insurance that includes paid family leave and support for working parents for Unit 10 Scientists, who are 53.8% female.
  • Provide a formula for healthcare that keeps up with rising annual costs.
  • Recognize the hindrance that the criteria called "AR 40" creates for a specific Unit 10 classification and resolves it. 

Our priorities are reflected here: and in the proposals that our CAPS Team passed to the State on May 9, 2023.  

CAPS' proposals align with State's six factors as outlined in their California State Civil Service Pay Scales and with Government Code 19826 that states "like salaries shall be paid for comparable duties and responsibilities."   

We demand the State address the severe pay disparities that have left State Scientists behind for nearly two decades. It's time to fix these egregious pay disparites and to value State Scientists.  

We demand a fair contract for all State Scientists.

The future of California depends on State Scientists. 


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