Dogs Are Being Left To Starve on the Street without Being Returned to Shelters.

    Dear Carers,
    Stray Dogs are being left alone to starve on the street with many people's consent, however, no one is returning them to rescue shelters. Leaving these poor pooches out to die, over 100,000 puppies have died this year as strays in the USA alone.

    The surprising fact is, that Mexican Tourists visiting San Jose have been kept away from these sightings so that they don't see the closer look of what the problems stray dogs face.
    Poverty and a lack of understanding about dogs’ needs is the problem. People in these slums routinely abuse and dump dogs by the roadside as if they are garbage - void of feelings, unable to feel pain! These abandoned dogs, if not rescued, either starve or fall ill, experiencing prolonged suffering before they die a miserable death.

    A good example of such is a sweet pal names Bingo, baking in the hot summer with high temperatures as much as 100° Fahrenheit (40° Celsius). Found lying on a highway after being hit by a car, poor B was left alone trying to heal for days. Fortunately, he was found by a passer-by, who at first thought he was dead. But when they saw a flicker of life, they called the Baja SAFE Humane Society, which rescues, rehabilitates and rehomes abandoned and neglected dogs.
    By the time the Baja SAFE team arrived to investigate, Bingo was barely clinging to life. He had terrible mange, had lost all his fur and his eyes were so severely affected by an eye infection that his rescuers thought he was blind.

    Weak from thirst, hunger and pain, Bingo had given up and was just lying there while the sun was cooking him alive!
    Bingo was rushed to a clinic where he was given intensive 24-hour medical care. And we are thrilled to say he is a fighter - he SURVIVED!

    Then there was Jackie, with a similar story.

    By signing this petition, we can tell the Government about these instances to make San Jose (and other parts of the world) saving stray dogs.
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