Justice for all hoofs and paws (ASPCA for San Jacinto County , TX)

My brother in-laws dog got shot in the face with a squirrel shot by a shotgun. We have had a neighbor shoot dogs on the county road by children and even shot in my yard hitting my home. Cops have been called and they say they cant do anything about it even though they see they gun my neighbor used. ASPCA was called and the chief investigator says he wishes he could add San Jacinto county if he could. Many calls have been made from this county because cops here don't care about the animal cruelty law it is being rubbed in the ground. Animals have been shot and badly injured and some have even died due to animal cruelty and we are stuck in a county where the law does not care. We have to get the ASPCA to add our county to their list so so justice will be served for all those animals that have been hurt or killed.

Mettre À Jour #2il y a 7 ans
The posted picture is of my brother in-laws dog shush who got shot. He is just a puppy and due to some pellets still stuck in him he might get lead poisoning. He does not have enough to get shush to the vet. The cop said that if he gives the guy who shot him a ticket then my brother in-laws could get one too.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
17 signs in day 1! I myself and all San Jacinto county animals owners are very thankful for your support and I am hoping this petition will change the county. If anyone has any question please email me at erinaills@yahoo.com. Thanks to all of you!
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