Stop Suez From Fencing in Lake DeForest's Ecosystem

Lake DeForest is a three-mile long reservoir located in the Town of Clarkstown, Rockland County, NY. As part of the Hackensack River watershed, this beautiful lake is surrounded by wooded private residential properties and serves as a thriving natural habitat for American Bald Eagles, deer, red foxes, hawks, eagles, wild turkeys, coyote, woodchucks and other indigenous species.

Suez Water is seeking to surround this body of water with a barbed wire chain link fence.

Not only will such an unnecessary and unsightly structure ruin the visible natural beauty of this lake but it will most likely destroy the natural ecosystem that depends on unfettered access to the lake and surrounding wooded areas to survive. Specifically, it will most certainly disturb the protected American Eagle in violation of US law.

Suez Water of New York is trying to get the ratepayers of NYS to pay for this fence (and any accompanying fines) without having first performed an environmental study, without applying for and receiving necessary permits, and without the courtesy of a public discourse with its Clarkstown neighbors.

Instead of erecting a farcical fence, Suez should be building bridges with the human and wildlife ecosystems of Lake DeForest.


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