Demand this Republican Congressman resign after his disgusting, racist social media post

  • par: Left Action
  • destinataire: Congressman Clay Higgins

Republican Congressman Clay Higgins from Louisiana went on a disgusting, racist tirade against Haitian people (legally in America) on X (formerly Twitter), saying they are "eating pets," practicing "vudu," and come from the "nastiest country in the western hemisphere." He called them "thugs" and said they "better get their mind right and their ass out of our country before January 20th."  

Higgins' words are beyond the pale and he does not deserve to hold a seat in Congress. These hateful lies from Clay Higgins and other Republicans are sparking threats and violence from the MAGA mob and putting people in danger. 

Rep. Higgins has deleted his post, but we won't forget what he said – he must be held accountable and removed from his seat in Congress. Sign: Demand Republican Congressman Clay Higgins resign after his disgusting, racist social media post >>

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